Turmeric ice cube will remove this skin problem… Just understand the method of use

Turmeric ice cube will remove this skin problem… Just understand the method of use

Haldi Ice Cubes: Skin related problems are common in summer. As soon as the summer season comes, everyone is worried about pigmentation, tanning, dryness and acne. But apart from this, there is a problem, the problem of open pores. By the way, there are small pores on our face, from which oil is released. And sweat comes out. They are attached to the hair follicle. But when their size increases, due to this the light of the face gets lost somewhere. Because of this there is a risk of acne and skin infection. If you are also troubled by this problem, then we are telling you a beauty hack, which will show tremendous effect in your problem. You can get rid of this problem with turmeric ice cubes. Know how to make ice cubes and its benefits

How to make turmeric ice cubes

  • Turmeric one teaspoon
  • Water one cup
  • Aloe vera gel one teaspoon

How to make

  • First take out the water in a bowl.
  • Mix one spoon of turmeric in this water well.
  • When turmeric in water If mixed properly, mix aloe vera gel in it.
  • Now put the mixture of aloe vera and turmeric in the ice cube tray.
  • To freeze it for 7 to 8 hours Leave it.

How to use

  • Cleanse the face with toner before use.
  • After this, rub the ice cube with turmeric on the face for at least 3 to 4 minutes.
  • After rubbing the turmeric ice cube on the face, keep the face like this for two to 3 minutes. Leave it.
  • Later wash the face with normal water.
  • You can use turmeric ice cubes daily to get rid of open pores.
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    Benefits of applying turmeric  ice cubes

    • Turmeric has antibacterial properties that help fight infections caused by open pores. It helps in getting relief from acne.
    • It has anti-inflammatory properties which helps in getting rid of facial swelling.
    • Gets rid of tanning caused by heat Turmeric cube is also beneficial in getting relief.
    Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do consult a doctor or a related expert.
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